1]. Are U a player? *Yes REALMADRID FC wants TOsign
me next season* do dey expect U 2 say yes?

2].why do U wan't my Pin ?? want to use it to burst
3]. Can U die 4 me? My name is surely not Romeo
4]. My Bis will soon expire, what am i going to do? return
the BB to the seller and get a Nokia 3310
5]. If I sleep over in your Place, hope Nothing funny will
happen? No, trust me we would just perform night vigil
6]. Hope U won't break my Heart? If u don't put it at the
edge of the table...
7]. Can U take me out? sorry are U in prison?
8]. Pls come and pick me.. like say she be beans.
9]. I think ave missed my period.. then ask the class
captain for the next class!!!
10.] Can't you get a Car? Shey your Papa get Car when
him dey Higher Institution? Lmyo
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